Flag Football

We started football with the Hawks in the fall and continued it this spring. Lincoln had a blast. He’s one of the littlest guys in the 8U league but he has learned a ton these past 2 seasons. This year his team went 6-2 in the regular season and lost in the semifinals of the playoffs.

His mom, sister and I are his BIGGEST fans. We love watching him out there and cheering him on.

At this point, football is probably his least skilled sport but, then again, it took until season 3 of soccer and basketball for him to take off.


The boys
How does he know how to style like this?

Double Digits

My firstborn is 10 years old. It’s almost unbelievable. Like I’m stunned to silence in thinking about it. Ten years is such a passage of time. 0 to 10 is much more of a “thing” than 34 to 44.

I’m just so proud of who and what this kid is. She’s so smart and mature beyond her age – which she has been for years. I can see so much success in her future and I’ve already seen so much in reality. She is brave and creative and has so many qualities I wish I had in myself along with some of the best ones of her mom and I.

The world is yours baby girl. (Always my baby girl)


Thankful for random occurrences….

  • That I always lose a sock if I fall asleep on the upstairs couch
  • That my daughter always asks for help finding the bathroom at a new place (restaurant, friends house, etc)
  • Emerson always getting food on her face when eating something even remotely sloppy
  • How Emerson says ‘frenzy’
  • How Lincoln says ‘chimpanzee’

Emerson’s teeth journey

Tooth #1 – 5/26/2019

This one came out right before our Disney Trip. She was supposed to be napping but must have just been wiggling her tooth because she came running out of her room with tooth in hand. There was no nap this day 🙂

Tooth #2 – 10/3/2019

This one came out right before school. We were all excited to see it!

Tooth #3 – 4/14/20 

This one came out while she was brushing her teeth before bed.

Tooth #4 – 5/10/20 

E wiggled this one out. It had been dangling for a while. She watched herself in the mirror.

Tooth #5 – 7/20/20

This one came out during our trip to Soundwaves. We were in the hotel and the tooth fairy came to the hotel.

Tooth #6 – 8/30/20

This one Becky pulled out. It had been hanging around for a bit and nature wasn’t doing its thing. This is the first time she’s had two out at the same time (the gaps are filling in fast though!)


Tooth 7 – 9/9/2021

She lost this tooth at school! First time happening there! She was eating some Vanilla Wafers for a snack and out it came.

Tooth 8 – 10/6/2021

Emerson lost this one at dinner. We didn’t even know she had one that was this loose. And it was quite the day so I’m sure this was a great way to end it!



Tooth 9 – 7/14/2023

Emerson lost it after performance day at YAY Camp. It was hanging on at the end but a piece of popcorn did the trick 🙂


Tooth 10 – 9/7/2023

Lost at school. This one was a fast one to come out! Her teacher gave her a little pocket to put it in but we lost it in the car! Darnit!


Tooth 11- April  18, 2024

The kids lost teeth on the same day! Emerson lost hers in the morning before school and the smile was so cute!



Lincoln Williams – Teeth Journey

Tooth #1 – December 25th, 2022 (Christmas Day)

This tooth hung on FOREVER, helped by the fact that Lincoln eats mostly soft foods. The tooth behind it was growing in and just pushed it out. Becky went in to look at it and maybe pull it and it just fell out. He was pumped! And, of course, he would lose his first one on a holiday.


Tooth #2 – March 20th, 2023.

It was REALLY loose in the morning before school but it came out at lunch. He was super proud to show the case he got at school from his teacher (Ms. Kilgore)


Tooth #3 – February 1st, 2024

He woke up without his tooth in his mouth! This was a fast one! He found it somehow in our white sheets (and this is the boy who can’t normally find much of anything :))


Tooth #4 – March 24th, 2024

Mommy’s closing night of Matilda. We were having dinner with Sarah and Stephanie and family (in town from Michigan) and it came out while eating a chicken wing from Papa Johns. It fell out FAST. This was a bloody one and he was NOT a fan


Tooth 5 – April 18th, 2024

The kids both lost teeth on this day. Lincoln lost his at school (I think during lunch). He was so excited to come home with it!


Tooth 6 – May 2024

We were doing ground ball drills in the backyard  and the ball popped up and hit Lincoln in the face. Dad thought it was a permanent tooth and freaked out but it turned out it was just an extremely loose baby tooth!

New Sport – Basketball!

The kids started basketball for the first time this winter (indoor sports for the win). I misread the league information – or maybe it changed after we signed up?) but instead of being the older kids in their group, they are both the youngest.

Linc is in a 6-7 year old group and Emerson is in a 8-10. They are both such good teammates and such good champs for trying new stuff. I am coaching Emerson’s team out of necessity so I’m not sure who was nervous the first meeting – the players or me. It was a new site, new people, new sport.

Linc is playing on a team with his BFF, one of our family friends and a soccer teammate so his level of familiarity is strong. He works so hard at it and I’m so so so proud of his progress. He’s still a tad small for his size but he has found a way to get that ball into the basket. He’s made both a free throw and a basket so far – halftime is what’s called a free throw frenzy where the players shoot to add points to their total. PS. What a great idea. Some players may be afraid to shoot when getting guarded or just anxious in a game but just about anyone can shoot a free throw.


The Williams World