Category Archives: Handy-Dad

Just a dad trying to learn how to do “dad things”

The next creation(s)…

So 2017…one handy project a month. Budget wife approved. Let’s go!

Have you ever seen these at Walmart? Super functional, right? Keeps kids from making an absolute mess of every ball they can get their hands on. We now have one 🙂

Update coming later – a little ball cage on the side to holder smaller items like tennis balls, whiffle balls (sp), etc 🙂

Also..the second project was these hanging lights that me and my best friend put up on the deck. Romantic mood lighting…and just beautiful to look at with the woods as our background.

PS. The busy board now has LIGHTS 🙂 (even though Emerson wishes they were pink. Me too, hon, me too…Brat :))

On to April’s project next….


I am not the handiest of people but every now and then I get an idea and I go ahead with it. This is my creation for my son to help him learn how things work – I was pleasantly surprised with how much my daughter loves playing with it. And it’s got Cubbies (2016 BASEBALL WORLD CHAMPS) ALL OVER IT so it’s a win for me. Wood and paint and fun things for the hands to play with = DAD WIN!