Category Archives: Family

The Kindness of Strangers…

The world can be a hard, hard place. I think we all know that. This can be made even harder as a parent and compounded by being a person of color.

I’m no saint or even a great person. I don’t actually do much for the world as a whole. I donate blood 2 or 3 times a year – that’s it.  Besides that, I give away my old junk to Goodwill. I try to spoil those I love at holidays or birthdays. I still send birthday cards in the mail – although Kid #2 has gravely disrupted this practice.

I will occasionally donate a Starbucks drink to the person behind me in the drive-thru line but, even then, I kind of want to wait around for the reaction. I hold doors open for everyone but again, if they don’t say “thank you”, I get a little irritated. I’m not the change I want to see in the world. I do believe in the Affordable Care Act as I believe everyone has a right to basic healthcare even if we have to pay a bit more money. I give my kids and my wife all that I have and whatever is left over, I try to split between my family, friends and myself.

I generally stick to myself end try to do things myself without asking for help. If I come to your house and you offer me a drink, I may be as thirsty as a camel in the desert but I might say no just out of habit. It’s just something in me. During a very difficult time for my family recently, a few random people in the world stepped in to make a few moments a lot more manageable.  Thank you to:

  • The BNA  worker who gave E a free cookie and me a free panini
  • The guy at the Detroit airport who carried my suitcase down the escalator as my daughter tried to make a mad dash towards danger and I was carrying the maximum load I could
  • The BNA shuttle driver who helped my stubborn daughter turn her suitcase upright as she had the rolling part upside down.
  • The guy at Del Taco in Michigan who fawned over my kids as I was trying to get them fed and organized by myself and was at my wits end.

These are all small actions but they were not asked for but just given. And even 2 weeks later, they are still embedded in my memory.

Our wonderful friend Jenn Sanders started a meal train for us so dinner would be one less thing to worry about. My co-worker Jonathan James (he of the T-Rex downtown Nashville run) donated a gift card to us as well a meal train started for us so dinner was one less thing we’d have to worry about.  On the first night back, Andrea and the Maguire family welcomed us over for dinner, support and some time to have someone else love on the kids.

I’m not sure what my point here is. I guess just thanks and thanks and thanks. And sometimes…the world isn’t such a bad place.  And the smallest of action can have the biggest of effects.

He is here!

Meet my son, the 4th member of the Williams family!

LINCOLN CLAY WILLIAMS. A little longer than his sister and a little more trim but a perfect fit for the 3 of us!




We had an awesome visit with GiGi (Brian’s Mom) this past weekend. We barely left the house except to get some food but we had an awesome time! Come back soon. I’m so glad we were able to share Emerson and all of her new “tricks” with her!

Auntie, now it’s your turn 🙂



It’s football time in Tennessee! We have had a great time cheering on the Tennessee Volunteers and Tennessee Titans to unbeaten records. I’m sure it’ll all change soon but time together with family and friends is what is gonna make this a PERFECT season (cheesy? who cares!)


2014 NFL kickoff (3) 2014 NFL kickoff (5) 2014 NFL kickoff (8) watching a movie with dad in her titans bath rob (2) a UT family cheering on the vols for the first time (1) cheering on the vols for the first time (2)

We are F-A-M-I-L-Y

My sister couldn’t wait any longer to see her niece again – and the feeling was mutual. Mom came down to make it a family reunion. All of us together in the same place for the first time since a brief hour or two at our baby shower in February. A lot has changed since then.

We all had an awesome time. Leon and Chuck came to up the testosterone count but the ladies still had us badly outnumbered. The weather was a bit crappy so it kinda ruined our proposed plans but we still got in an awesome brunch at Copper Kettle and lunch/dinner at Saffire. I am so ready for the next visit already!


Becky and I have both gotten to experience a ton of firsts this year. But the sweetest of all is probably our first Mother’s Day and Father’s Day! Both are so great…I was happy to spoil Becky and she did so for me as well – though I would have been fine with a belt or tie and a nice card! Either way, we got to spend time together as a family and dote on our little one who made this all possible.

Mother’s Day

giordanos for mothers day
happy mothers day shirt (1)
Custom T-Shirt!
mom's little krispy kreme gift
Baby loves Krispy Kreme!
mother's day cookie cake (2)
Best Mom Cookie Cake

Mom woke up at the crack of dawn and was ready to PLAY! We got some coffee and donuts at Krispy Kreme (E wanted some too but we had to say no).  We had a bit of shopping to do so we checked out Walmart where Dad picked out a delicious cookie cake for Mom..and we got our daughter a new shirt (can’t leave the store nowadays without one). We actually went to 2 parks on Mother’s Day – Aspen Grove Park and Centennial Park.

Dad ordered Mom 2 deep dish pizzas from Giordano’s and surprised her with that. We decided to save them for the next week or two and enjoy some family time at home.

I think Mom had a great first Mother’s Day 🙂

Father’s Day

Daddy got up early after getting back in town from a wedding in California. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with his little one. Becky got up and made monkeybread for breakfast – yum, yum, yum!

We relaxed for a bit and took E to Bicentennial Park and walked around for a bit. It was so busy and full of people. We dipped E’s toes into the fountains where we took our post engagement pictures.

Later, we went to the Southern downtown for brunch. How yummy! You’ve gotta try their Chicken and Waffles!

To cap the night off, we had family time upstairs and watched the Spurs dispatch the Miami Heat.

I’m sure I missed a ton of other stuff that happened but that’s the best part – so many good things that I can’t even describe them all.
On Tuesday, we had this deliciousness below for dinner – oh yeah, Becky had 8 Italian beef sandwiches from one of my favorite all time restaurants in Chicago shipped in. We still have 4 left after last night so it looks like Father’s Day will keep going on.

Portillos - Italian Beef
Portillos – Italian Beef
Brunch at the Southern
Brunch at the Southern


Happy Birthday Mom!


My mother celebrated her 60th birthday on December 29th. It was an awesome day – the first time both Mom and her 2 kids were together on the same day in over a year. Becky, Leon and Chuck rounded out the party. We played awesome board games and had an outstanding dinner at Texas de Brazil in downtown Memphis. Such an epic day!