Next month…

It seems like the wait for Baby #2 has been going on forever. We can finally say that next month, July 2016, our son will be here. (Well, I guess there’s a chance it could be June but let’s hope not :)).

Family of Four

Dad of Two

Mom of Two

Big Sister


It’s just right around the corner! XOXO


I normally am not on my phone when I’m with the family. It’s just something I consciously try to avoid so they get as much of my attention as I can give them. That often puts me working late at night or catching up on person emails after hours but it’s a sacrifice I am glad to make. If I could, I’d go back to the days of the flip-phone. Remember when you had an answering machine and someone couldn’t get a hold of you while you were away from home?

Anyway, E and I were playing with her kitchen garage yesterday. I was catching up on a mix of Facebook and some work emails that I thought were important. The kid was mixing up some imaginary concoction with a spatula and a cup. All of the sudden she looks at me and says in the most serious tone “phone up daddy”. This from my kid who I’m pretty sure would watch Peppa Pig or play Fisher Price Little People apps or watch YouTube videos (that she can navigate herself) all day.

You wouldn’t believe how quickly that phone went into my pocket and didn’t come back out until after bedtime.


Growing up…

Another fun morning at the Williams house. It really is the little stuff that gets you sometimes.

This morning E was brushing her teeth and reached for the toothpaste and said “more”. Very clearly. Now, she’s been saying “mo” or maybe even “mor” for months now but this was a very clear and defined “More”. Her vocabulary is exploding and I’m loving the word definition and usage. She’s up to some 4 word sentences. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like in 6 months but for now I’ll just enjoy this fun little phase.


Today I tried to sleep in a few extra minutes…well I knew I would really just lay in bed and rest. Well, Becky gets Emerson out of her crib and she runs to my side of the bed, crawls up and plops herself up on my chest and stares into my face. She says “hi Daddy” in a voice that I can only compare to an angel. She was just so sweet and perfect and just wanted to say good morning to me…even though she had seen me just a few hours earlier when she woke up in the middle of the night.

I love this kid…and these crazy silly mornings.


I’ve had this thought in my head recently and it just keeps coming back. I love Emerson just because she IS. Because she exists. Because she was created. Because she’s here with us in the world. It’s not for anything that she does or doesn’t do. I love this kid just because she is LIFE.

A kid’s eyes…

There’s something fascinating about seeing the world through a kid’s eyes. Every morning on the way to daycare, we pass by a field with cows and horses in it. For the past few months as E’s vocabulary and language have exploded, she almost always yells out “moooo” or “nay nay”. Today, I took real notice of it and just wanted to pull over to the side of the road and let her enjoy it.

Sometimes us adults get so busy and look at where we are going that we don’t appreciate where we are. I am really, really bad at this myself sometimes. It’s so funny how we go to zoos and farms as kids, stop going in our teen years and early adulthood but return when we have kids of our own.

So today, take a little time out of your day and smell the roses…or at least take out your earphones to listen to the world.

E at the jellystone petting zoo (1) family pic at gentry's farm gentry's farm 2015 (2) E checking out the goats (1) Emerson feeding the giraffe emerson and giraffe at the zoo entrance

Birthday Party Pics for E

We had Emerson’s birthday party a week after her actual birthday since she was a flower girl at a wedding for a good friend of ours on her actual birthday. We hope everyone who was there had a great time – sorry that we had brain farts and forgot to give out all of the favor bags.

We had guests from as far away as Atlanta and Memphis to celebrate our little Minion. Can’t believe we are already closer to her being 25 months old than 24.

Love you all and thanks for loving our little family.

emerson and her godma at her princess party E sharing the wagon with the smith girls emerson and aubrey - cupcake wars gigi and the birthday girl - 2 present time for emerson (3) our little cupcake eater aubrey and emerson playing (4) mmm minion cupcakes pretzel minions fruit minion happy birthday girl - thanks toys r us

My little two-year old!

It’s still weird to say that e is 2. Finally 2. We went from 18 months to 20 months and now we can drop the ‘almost’.

Thanks for making me a daddy and giving me the best 730 days, 104 weeks or 2 years of my life. You are spunky, sweet, creative, curious, reckless and smart beyond words. I love you little girl!

We are going to celebrate you like crazy this weekend!!!E gathering all her minions (3) 2nd birthday cupcakes! birthday donut! (1) happy birthday from chuck e cheese

The Days Ahead…

In about 9 days, I am going to have a 2 year old. It’s so odd to look at Emerson’s baby or even infant pictures. I don’t even recognize the face anymore. She’s just gotten so big…and her personality even bigger. She’s going to have the best Minion party ever!

Next weekend, we have the wedding of one of Becky’s former students (Wow) and Emerson gets to try Round #2 of being a flower girl. It’s gonna be crazy with bridal showers, rehearsal dinners and the wedding itself but it’s sure to be fun. I’m bringing my dancing shoes and hoping it’s an open bar 🙂



The Williams World