“I got it”

I have been on a word kick lately. There’s this phrase my daughter uses a lot now. It’s as simple as this: “I got it”. She uses it when she wants to buckle the top part of her seat belt herself (always). She uses it when we say she can have a Popsicle. She uses it when we ask her to get her shoes. You get the jist. She has got it.

What’s really cool about it is the confidence. It’s like she’s already separating from us and becoming independent. And we have given her the space to do this. Sure, we sometimes follow too close and don’t want her to fall down or make a big mess or make a mistake. But she also has been enabled by us to do things on her own and to know that we have her back should she mess up. And where did she learn this phrase? From us. Like if Becky needs a fork from the kitchen, I would say “I got it”. If I ask Becky to pick up a prescription from the store while out shopping, she’s “got it”. Three such simple words but such a different reason when used by a 3 year old and a mid 30’s person.

Sometimes, it really pays to listen to your crazy kid. They are saying more than you think.


Legacies…and Hamilton

I have been fascinated by the play “Hamilton” recently. Even though it’s been out and popular for well over a year (and my wife is a theater teacher), I never looked into it. Until my good friends, The Brown’s, went and saw it when it came to Chicago.  (if anyone wants to get me tickets to either the Chicago or Broadway editions, we’d be friends for life. It’s FANTASTIC and an epic undertaking. And that it’s all (mostly) true is all the more remarkable)

One of the themes of the play is your legacy and who will tell your story after you are gone and the concept of time. It’s something I’ve been wrestling with. Only a few people get to live on in history – the President’s Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Michael Jackson, etc. But most of us just live the “simpler” life – hopefully get married and raise kids (if we so choose) and grow old into retirement and relaxation to watch our grand-kids grow up.

Hamilton was not content with that. He wanted to be remembered. As a black man raised by a single mother in Memphis, my experience somewhat compares to Hamilton but then pales. At least I had my mom and no cousin I lived with committed suicide. And there was no revolution in my childhood – even though race relations in America both spoken and unspoken are a kind of revolution.

I’m happy with my life. My friends, my family. My two kids who love me and need me to provide for them. My wife who loves me and tries to make me a better man. My sister who I get to enjoy seeing grow up and grow in her marriage, career and just as a person. My mother who gets to enjoy the fruits of her labor after years and years of struggle and going without so she could raise me and my sister to adulthood (and beyond. I mean, she still mothers and supports and guides us to this day). Maybe it’s a part of getting old that you think about the future and the end.

The relative I most think about is my grandfather, E.C. Burnett and my grandmother, Emma Jean Burnett. I pale in comparison to him as a person, even though he had his flaws. I am proud that my son shares his middle name. He was a man of great pride and stubbornness but he gave so much to so many. I got through school with minimal debt because he made it a point to open a savings account for me when I was a child. Instead of pouring me over with the latest toys, he had a bigger game in mind. And let me tell you, leaving college debt-free was better than any Nintendo game or G.I. Joe figure. My grandmother – her gift of knitting and crocheting is on display in the blankets in my house and the PERSONAL touch she put on things. What a legacy. It’s not that they were cheap – she was a creator. It’s phenomenal to know that both my son and daughter have had pictures with and “played” with something created by my own grandmother who hasn’t taken a breath on this Earth in almost 30 years.

I guess all this to say – I hope that my future grand-kids will think fondly of me. I hope my friends will say I was good to them and there when they needed me – and made them laugh a few times.

That’s a pretty good legacy if you ask me.

The next creation(s)…

So 2017…one handy project a month. Budget wife approved. Let’s go!

Have you ever seen these at Walmart? Super functional, right? Keeps kids from making an absolute mess of every ball they can get their hands on. We now have one 🙂

Update coming later – a little ball cage on the side to holder smaller items like tennis balls, whiffle balls (sp), etc 🙂

Also..the second project was these hanging lights that me and my best friend put up on the deck. Romantic mood lighting…and just beautiful to look at with the woods as our background.

PS. The busy board now has LIGHTS 🙂 (even though Emerson wishes they were pink. Me too, hon, me too…Brat :))

On to April’s project next….


We did a really good job this time in managing the diaper transition. We had JUST the right amount of newborn diapers and size 2’s to get our little man to size 3.

I found this little guy lying around today – the last of our size 1 diapers. It looks so tiny.  I can’t help but think if this will ever be worn…third Williams baby ONE day?

TCON week 2017 – better late than never

You probably ALL know this but TCON is the Tennessee State Thespian Conference. It’s now held in Middle Tennessee (at MTSU) after years and years at Germantown High School (doesn’t it make more sense for a state conference to be in the MIDDLE of the state?). Anyway….

I could write this kind of post every week but this one has been extraordinary. Five externally women have helped take care of the kids while Mom (Becky) was away at a conference. So a big thank you again to Jenn Sanders, Patty Twaddle, Andrea Maguire and Arlenda Flannel and Keshia Williams. I wouldn’t have kept my little amount sanity without you.

Note – the week in question was back in January. I had both kids solo for the long MLK weekend and most nights the week before while the wife did rehearsals for both her spring musical AND a performance at said conference.

Dear Firstborn…

Today you turned 3. As of officially about 2 hours ago. It’s weird. I still remember the exact time – 7:54 pm. I wonder if I always will.

My daughter…you are so much like me. Your stubbornness is going to be the stuff of legends. Your running style can only be described as a gallop. Your sweet voices, your oh so smart brain. Your love for princesses and cheese, your desire for everyone to be at peace and not argue. Your use of the word “family” and naming all of us ALL THE TIME just to make sure no one is left out.  Your love of your brother and being the bestest big sister ever.

Just in the past week, the word has changed from “orangen” to “orange”, from “horsie” to “horses”. And all this by the age of 36 months? What will the next 36 bring? The next 36 after that? You’ll be almost double digits by then!

I shudder for the year ahead at times – threenager (that time where they know so much but can’t always verbalize it but it leads to meltdowns).  Patience is going to be a key…and lots of coffee.

It’s hard to believe I ever wanted a boy first and was upset when the appropriate gender was revealed. God has a funny way of giving you what you needed and it’s 100% true with this little love of my life.

Happy 3rd, E.


I am not the handiest of people but every now and then I get an idea and I go ahead with it. This is my creation for my son to help him learn how things work – I was pleasantly surprised with how much my daughter loves playing with it. And it’s got Cubbies (2016 BASEBALL WORLD CHAMPS) ALL OVER IT so it’s a win for me. Wood and paint and fun things for the hands to play with = DAD WIN!

Birthday 2017

Goes to show you how busy life has been that this post is well over a month old…oh well, here’s the 2017 edition of Brian’s Birthday.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
  • Steak dinner with Murfeesboro friends and families (carrot cake) – on Saturday
  • Steak dinner with Maguire Family (more carrot cake) – on Sunday
  • Cinnamon roll breakfast from kids and wifey
  • Awesome bday cards from kiddos and wife
  • Red Robin dinner with E
  • Cupcake at Gigi’s with E
  • Gifts – Lowe’s gift card for my new woodworking, new auto opening trash can(the small things)
  • I got to pick our movie that night – Lion (Oscar list)
  • Sam and Zoe’s Breakfast with the family
  • Concord Park fun – sliding, ampitheater, running around!

And here are the freebies I used:

  • Zaxby’s Nibbler (always)
  • Starbucks free coffee (it’s gotta be a venti!)
  • Gigi’s cupcake
  • Kohl’s $5 in free cash (of course I bought something for the kids)

To Use:

  • Free bang bang at Bonefish (can’t wait!)

Birdgate 2017

Life with two kids in the suburbs isn’t always what you would call “exciting”. Sometimes you just have to survive. This weekend, we had to deal with…THE BIRDS!

We forgot to close our garage on Saturday night after a long day out and about. I can only guess that since it was a bit cold out that a few birds looked for a little shelter. Sunday morning, I went out to take out some trash and get things ready for church. Well, at least 2 birds had decided to take up residence on top of our garage door. They wouldn’t respond to “shooing” or loud noises. We were, of course, running majorly late for church and didn’t want them in the garage the whole time while we were gone, pooping on everything. Now, what do you do? Were these birds peaceful or would they try to peck out an eyeball? I may have seen Hitchcock’s “The Birds” one too many times.

We went out the front door of the house and backed into the garage with the kids and moved the car out of the garage slowly. Opening and closing the garage a few times made them fly around but not exit the Williams garage. I got the biggest and longest stick I could and banged on the garage and made loud noises. I may have even started tweeting like a bird. That got one of the little buggers out from the garage but there was still ONE left. I lost sight lock and then spotted him (or her). The little jerk was on top of one of the wicker baskets by the front door. Church had already started so we needed to GO and I was out of options.

In true teamwork fashion, Becky jumped in. She ran into the garage and gave the bird what she calls “a little female talk”. She asked it kindly to leave our garage…and it did. Really? It MUST have been a girl bird.

The kids were laughing when we both got back in the car and Becky and I both had a little chuckle. Oh….what unexpected family fun on a Sunday morning.

P.S. I think I saw a few of the neighborhood birds on the power lines last night thinking about how to plot their revenge 🙂

The Williams World