I know I’m partial but I think my daughter is beautiful. Stunningly so. Her eyes could tell a story chapters long. And that hair, that wild hair that she will probably hate at various points in her upbringing. I had two strangers today tell me how perfect her hair was (and her Mom wasn’t even around to do it) as well as this little girl on the playground say that she was “so pretty”.
I just want to catalog her entire life…she’s growing in leaps and bounds in wisdom and understanding. Some of her best phrases:
“I got you” (I gotchu) – I often say this when picking her up from something high or getting her out of the car. She repeats this phrase to me now all the time in the randomest of situations. So much meaning and context. Emerson, I got you for the rest of your life and you don’t even fully grasp that yet.
“Seven” – she can count to 10 over and over again but there is something lispy about the way seven comes out. It’s all in the “v”…it sounds like maybe a “p” or a “b” and it cracks me up EVERY time.
“I’m getting you all wet” – just what it sounds like. Bath time is time to splash Daddy
“It’s getting dark” – a daily obsession with sun up and sun down
“Other one” – should be “another one” but who cares when it’s said so beautifully