I haven’t cried in quite some time. I am not a big crier normally but sometimes a song or movie will just hit me. In the past 10 years, rarely has real life brought me to tears.
That changed this week. Emerson was really sick for the better part of 3 days. I took a day off of work to take care of her after Becky took her share of days. Emerson was really cuddly and snuggly which was nice and a departure from her current crazy toddler exploring phase. But she was just so hot…I think her temperature topped out at about 103. And she didn’t want to play much at all or do much of anything. These are not the kind of days off work that I like to take! What’s worse is that she can’t yet tell us what is wrong. Oh, how I long for those days!
She had this little whimper…not her big cry..but I’d rather have had the big cry. She was so hoarse and drinking hurt. Thank God she didn’t lose her appetite. Our little girl lost 1 lb in just a few short days. That doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but it’s about 5% of her whole body weight 🙁
The final outcome was she picked up a little virus and we *think* she about has it knocked out of her system…well, until another ear infection came in and caused another round of illness. 4 colds in 3 weeks!
Thanks to all the friends and family who prayed for her and watched her so me and Becky could get at least a few hours of work in.