Bye Bye 2014…..

I’ve always had issues with the end of the year. While it’s a very happy time with family and friends and celebrations galore, it also means you have to start over again…and there are no more paid holidays off work until Easter (MLK day if I’m working for a good company). Oh yeah, and I hate, hate, hate the time change that makes me not able to see the sun for 3 months of the year. Thanks to whoever started that…but I digress

Plus the past few years have been some of the best ever and harder to “top”. I’ll do a brief review

2010. I was training for my first 10K to (secretly) propose to Becky
2011. We were wedding planning like crazy.
2012. (probably the lowest on the totem pole) We were discussing whether it was the right time for me to go back to grad school
2013. We were awaiting Emerson’s arrival!!!!!!!

I’m sure 2015 will be great but man, this year has soooo many Kodak moments.


Emerson in January 2014
Emerson in January 2014