Today marks one year since we found out that we would be having a child. And what a year it has been!
We didn’t know if we’d be having a boy or a girl. We didn’t know everything that we would need to take care of this baby. We didn’t know where to register. We didn’t know who to tell or when to tell them or what we would name a baby (well, sorta). We didn’t know…ANYTHING other than we were happy and blessed.
All we knew was that we had about 7 positive pregnancy tests and some Famous Dave’s BBQ and Gigi’s Cupcakes to eat. As we sat down to eat that night, we had no idea what the future would hold. I’m not sure how we sat still and ate our food or watched TV with this world-changing, Earth-shattering news.
Whatever we imagined, Emerson is better than all of it times 1000. She is the perfect baby for us. Her smile. her attitude, her general existence is a joy to behold. How she has opened our world up to so many people. How she has been loved and accepted and brought people together.